Saturday, November 3, 2018

Hyde Park

on a sunny autumn Saturday.

The light is bright and hard- the white of the birds on the blue of the water seem like exaggerated technicolour from the days of early colour films. Almost all the people that are walking here and passing me are talking other languages- Italian, French, German mostly. They are still here, but what crowds will walk these paths next year?  
 Everyone does look very happy as they are walking their dogs and children,  marvelling at the Peter Pan statue, taking selfies. A large flock of birds fly up between the trees and then change direction in perfect unison, how do they all know when to move? It must be nice to understand one’s place in the whole picture so clearly.

I read a very good article by Max Hastings  in the Times this morning about the Great War
but it may not be possible to reach it, behind a paywall, alas. It inspired me to try and find a poppy- not very easy to find the Poppy selling points!


  1. Oh dear, man feeding pigeons, Max Hastings, The Times, the ever more militarised selling of the poppy (don't get me wrong, I fundamentally agree with it but this year...). But yes, we are all enjoying the incredible autumn sunshine. And you may still hear a Babel of voices if we become a bargain basement and cheap for other Europeans to visit - as tourists, of course.

  2. Don't quite get it David. What did I say wrong? What is wrong with man feeding pigeons? The Max Hastings article is excellent- you miss the fundamental feeling of my little missive. Never mind....
