Saturday, March 2, 2019

Revisiting Hotel Djenne Djenno...

 For anyone who visited my hotel in Djenne (and anyone else), this is a little film from the very last days of the hotel...
Please copy and paste in your browser:

 And last Sunday I had a lunch party here in Ladbroke Grove which included the Malian honorary Consul Mark Saade and his lovely wife Julia who were able to translate the Arabic tablet for me that I received from the Djenne Manuscript Library  at our ceremony in Bamako last December:

                                    The world is a deep sea and many people drown in it. 
                                    Make your ship fear God and reinforce it with faith.
                                    Let your trust be in God and you will be saved.

I wonder who chose those words from the Koran for me? Maybe my dear old friend Yelpha, the Imam of the Great Mosque of Djenne? 


  1. Très émouvant, comme c'est triste... Ces derniers instants sont superbement rendus. Nous avons essuyé des larmes...

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  3. N'est-ce pas? Elisabet Gustavsson, la relisatrice serait content de l'entendre!

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