Sunday, May 20, 2018

Unrepentant Royal Wedding Indulgence.

Yes, it was fun and lovely, there is no denying it. The bride was beautiful, the groom gorgeous, the setting exquisite, the horses magnificent (although I was worried about the left hand first horse in the Landau equipage   who looked permanently as if he was just on the verge of some catastrophic misbehaviour  in the excitement of it all...) on a perfect English  May day.

I was joined by Zsusza, Andrew and the amazing architect Edward Mendelsohn, now 90, who must have drunk  some sort of youth elixir because he never ages. He came from Austria to England in 1939 on the last Kindertransport before the outbreak of the war. He was a permanent fixture of my Tuesday ‘salons’ in 2003-5 and is also part of our Dante reading group, which met here  last Wednesday, for more sojourning in Nether Hell.
We all drank bubbly, ate strawberries and cream and giggled.  That sermon! And the faces of the Royal family, all bemused at such fiery black American gospel style delivery! It was quite priceless.
I do have a really good feeling about this couple- they seem blessed and on the side of the angels somehow. I hope they will make a difference- they have every possibility now to engage in important work for their chosen and deserving causes. So God speed to them.
The bubbly eventually takes it toll...


  1. Because my mother is fascinated with “The Royals” and had come to visit, I was pressed into service to make sure she could watch the whole thing. I watched the ceremony with her, and indeed, it was hard not to be moved by both the sermon and the gospel choir. I can’t imagine what those thought who are steeped in tradition!

  2. How nice to see that you are looking in Susan! Indeed, it was moving and a good vitamin injection for stuffy traditionalists.

  3. Fine service, but we would NOT have stood with you during the National Anthem, you fossils you (ps Edward is no fossil and NEARLY 90). You also told me that we wouldn't be allowed to smipe - I think you might have sent J out for commenting on the Queen's sour look 'resting bitch face'.

  4. You mean I am a fossil and Edward is not?? Well, he is certainly not and there are NO fossils allowed at my Ladbroke Grove abode...But as you know I am given to some theatrical (and some would say ridiculous )extravagances such as standing up whenever either the Swedish or the British (and , actually, sentimental that I am, the Malian National anthem is played. It seems like a small crime to me...?

  5. OK, you have s very small strand of fossil running through you. We all have, one way or another. As you know I am delighted to stand for the European anthem because its sentiment is 'all humanity must stand together', while 'God save the Queen', much as I admire her staying power, is not something for which I think one should levitate. Interesting, though, that the Swedes can display flags with total acceptability, and when anyone does it here outside such one-offs as the Royal Wedding - above all with the St George Cross - it simply says (as Daisy once so memorably put it) 'I'm a moron'.

  6. Well first of all you know that we have to join the European too, to those I stand up for. Of course!
    As for the Swedes able to use the flag without having to make excuses, that must be because I don't believe it has successfully been used for the promotion of far right views, strangely enough. And of course we were not a colonial power...
